When i first started out on this project i didn't have a clue on what i was going to do, choosing a historical event proved to be quite hard; especially choosing one that fits in with my aesthetic, and also with fashion photography. I think the event i eventually chose; Roswell UFO incident was very different to what anybody else had done, and i was a little worried about that, but i had a clear idea in my mind about what i wanted to do so i carried on with it anyway.
I think i was successful in my collaborations, Stacey the model was my biggest collaborator and we discussed lots of ideas together, she brought lots of creativity to the shoot and we worked together really well when making choices, we decided together which outfits to use and what to do with hair, we even spoke extensively about locations. My other collaborator was Alice Birchmore, who i work with on projects a lot, I feel this was quite a creative challenge for her and i gave her quite a bit of direction as to what i wanted from the project. She understood easily my ideas and translated them perfectly into make-up.
I think that despite the set backs we encountered on the day of the shoot, i am really pleased with the way the images turned out. I used a 5d for the first time, and i do feel that that made a difference to the quality of the shots. I think the images definitely have an editorial look to them. Ideally, i would have liked the shoot to be on a sunnier day! And if i was to shoot this again i'd definately go back and plan even more so we could find the actual location i wanted to use. Nevertheless I think the images are exactly what i was going for, and i think the simple location actually works very well, maybe even better than the original location i wanted to use.